Our Mission:
GOD calls us to take care of the less fortunate and GOD has blessed us with resources to do so. We are to be responsible stewards of GOD”™s vast gifts and to use them in ways that pleases the LORD. We will spread the love of GOD and the Good News of Jesus Christ by sharing our gifts to feed the hungry and by supporting each other in our effort to be disciples of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.
What we do:
We have the M.25.35 Food Pantry to distribute food boxes to needy families in our community. M.25.35 refers to Mathew 25:35 “For I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink.”
M.25.35 Food Pantry Facts:
- Each third Thursday from 3:00 -7:00 we give out pre-packaged boxes of food to people in need in our community.
- At 5:00 a hot homemade meal is served to our clients.
- We also try to offer toiletries to the clients.
- We sometimes get donations of various foods in addition to the boxes that is first come, first serve.
- We get donations of clothing and other miscellaneous items.
- We have volunteers that occasionally come in and offer free haircuts.
- This past year we gave free turkeys to our clients for their holiday meal.
History of our Food Pantry:
We began back in July of 2010 with an organization called There”™s Hope for the Hungry. It is a fantastic program that offers food boxes and individual counseling. We were with that group until August of 2011. In September of 2011 we discovered the Chattanooga Area Food Bank. Another church in town gave us lots of information and they were there for us as we transitioned into a new program. Not only did we change the name but we changed the date and time.
See how we have grown:
In 2010 we began a food distribution program. We gave out 30 boxes from July to December.
In 2011 from January to August we gave out 55 boxes.
M.25.35 began: We gave out 134 boxes from September to December which brought the full year total to 189 boxes.
January to May 2012 we gave out 247 boxes. The full year total for 2012 was 717 boxes!!
How we do what we do:
The Chattanooga Area Food Bank offers pre-packaged 30 lb. boxes of food for $6.00 a box. We purchase these boxes twice a month from the Northwest Georgia Branch of the CAFB that is located in Dalton, GA. They also have a large inventory or food that can be bought by the pound or deeply discounted. They occasionally have produce, meat, bread, milk and eggs. Currently we purchase all the food through generous donations from members of our church. We are a small church with plans to not only continue the food pantry but to see it grow it even more.
If you or someone you know would benefit from our program please contact us:
Program Coordinator: Glenda Godowns 706-889-0265
Pastor: Chad Kelly 706-273-8370