The following information was sent to the members of Cross Road Christian Fellowship in a letter last November 2013:


To the Church,

There are times in the life of a church that we have trials, obstacles, opportunities and blessings. Trials can be extremely painful if we try to deal with them without God leading the way. Our pastor being called to another church felt like a trial at first, but God has shown us that He’s still blessing us by the salvation of 8 children and the rededication of 2 teens last Wednesday at Awana. Our first step, moving forward, is to bring experienced men of God to preach on Sundays. Later, we’ll call an interim pastor, and form a search committee. Eventually, God will bless us with a new pastor.

What appeared to be a trial and an obstacle at first, God has revealed to be an opportunity. The building in which we worship has been offered for sale to the church for half of its assessed value. And at the end of June, 2014, we would no longer be paying rent…another blessing.

We at CRCF have never stressed or pressed those who come to give, but this is an opportunity that is critical to the existence of our church. The Elders believe that God has brought this opportunity, but it will only be realized if we have faith in Him through this process. Others in the church also believe this is the direction He is leading.

If we are able to purchase the property, we believe this opportunity will become one of the blessings that He has in store for us. If we are not able to purchase the property, we will no longer have a place to worship.

So, will you please commit to this by your prayers and presence when possible? This may also mean that you will support this decision financially over and above what you normally give. Or, if God is leading , will you possibly pledge an amount toward the purchase of the property? A pledge is strictly between you and God and strictly confidential. Please pray for God’s guidance.

In His Name,

CRCF Board of Elders



We have been blessed with several  experienced men of God to preach on Sundays.

Our community outreach ministries of AWANA and M.25.35 Food Pantry have continued to thrive and grow…a blessing to many.

The day-to-day financial needs of the church are being met, with the addition of Children’s Church during Sunday worship services…a blessing to us.

Please continue with us in prayer for God’s direction and provision for CRCF.

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