James 1:27 (NKJV)
27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
The City of Refuge, a non-government organization, is a ministry started by Comfort Dadzie. She feeds and schools 53 orphans in Ajumako Kromaim, Ghana, a town about 3 hours ride west of Accra, the capital city. Comfort grew up there, and her father had a cocoa farm close to it. In 2005, I started sponsoring a child named Grace, and I have watched how God has blessed this ministry over the years. However, the ministry is at a new crossroads as New Beginnings Family Church is no longer able to be involved. Please pray for the orphans as we seek God”™s will in how to move forward. We have asked Covenant Community for help. Steve Fields has been willing and emphasized the importance of making sure the orphans are fed.
80 cents a day will sponsor a child. If anyone feels led to be a sponsor, please contact Beverly McDaniel, 706-273-3773(home) or 706-273-6360(cell).